Monday, July 2, 2007

Saving time????

OK, here's the scenario.
1. I take a hand written new prescription to Target Pharmacy on Saturday, after hours.
2. I put it into the drop box envelope, then into the drop box.
3. I get a telephone call Sunday morning that my prescription card expired June 30, today is July 1
4. The pharmacist called the prescription company, they said, "Yes, the card expired yesterday."
5. Monday morning, I called the benefits department of the school district for which I work.
6. She advised me to call Capital Blue Cross, member benefits, as my card is indeed live, and my account is current.
7. I call Capital Blue Cross, they verify that I am current.
8. I call the prescription company, they verify that I am current.
9. I call back Target Pharmacy, she enters the number once again.
10. The number goes through.
11. After a side conversation with her fellow workers, the pharmacist tells me that it happened to three people yesterday, that their account was coming back expired.
12. The prescription company had trouble with their computers.....
13. I call back my benefits department to relay this information, meanwhile they had gotten a call from another employee saying the same thing.
14. Thank goodness it wasn't an emergency.
15. Eight telephone conversations, because a COMPUTER was having a bad day....


1 comment:

bestonline323 said...

Something similar happened to my sister,
I printed her out a prescription card and it was all fixed coincidentally, it was a sunday and her prescription card did not work on sundays, the printed prescription card worked and there were no problems!

prescription drug discount card program