Saturday, May 19, 2007

Well, well, well

OK, whoda thunk I would be starting a blog. Amazing things happen when you sign up for a class with Tomer. Well, we need more rain. The rabbits ate two of my 32 tomato plants which were lovingly placed in the ground last weekend, with lots of sweat, toil, backache, and care. Now, two are missing, so I think we need some moisture in the ground so they don't try to eat the plants thinking they will get the juice of the tomato before it is even a flower.

Speaking of flowers, what have you heard lately about the bees? I'm guessing it's a combination of cell phone towers, pollution, and too many campaign signs along the highway. Let's just have some good, honest debate, wait, won't that increase global warming?

Did anyone else notice how bright and vivid the spring colors are this year? Is it just the gray days that emphasize them, or the cold winter, or am I just so happy to see color?

Well, gotta go, tea is ready....

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